Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby think it over

Remember those baby dolls from health class?  Those "infant simulators" that they send home with you for a week to simulate taking care of a child?  Well I'm about to encounter the real deal y'all.  If I hadn't told you already, I'm currently a nanny for my three nephews; ages 4, 3 and 16mths.  Let me just tell you that's like they're jacked up on Mountain Dew 24/7 - but not in the good way.  Anyways, the two older boys have the privilege of taking a journey to the magic that is Disney World next week.  The youngest, because of his nap schedule and the fact that these three kids need man-to-man coverage, will be in my custody for the week.

First off, let me just say that the youngest, in comparison to the other two, is the easiest kid to take care of by a mile.  I don't know what it is about boys but it seems that, with the older two, when you put them in a room together, it's like mixing oil and water, cats and dogs, aluminum foil and a microwave...they just function better separately.  I guess that's normal but it's not easy to deal with when they have selective hearing or just down right don't listen to you.  So, as you can imagine, a week of not watching them is one less week of headaches.  Don't get me wrong, I love them but they really test my patience to no end.

Back to the point - next week, I'm going to turn in my, "24 going on 15" t-shirt and put on the "24 going on 30(ish)" cardigan.  Not that I think you have to be 30 to have a kid, but on the track I've chosen to take, I'll be lucky if I'm 30 when (and if) I have a child.  I mean, let's face it, when I buy clothes, I'm not exactly playing my age.  I can't help that I likes me the tshirts and the tenni's.  In addition to not dressing my age, I enjoy questionable books, movies and television shows for a girl my age: Confessions of a Shopaholic, She's the Man, and That's So Raven, respectively.  But I digress.  The point that I'm trying to make is that I'm far from being at that point in my life where I believe I can be considered an "adult."  So when I tell you that next week will be a true test for me, it really will be.  I watch these kids on a daily basis but I always have that safety net of knowing their parents are in the other room if I should need assistance.  It's not like someone asked me to water their plants while they're out of town.  I'm going to be looking after a living, breathing human being.  From sun up to sun down, I will have to look after him.

I don't really know what we're going to do during the week.

I would imagine we'll be shopping often.
Probably play outside if it's nice.
Maybe watch a talkie or two.

Who knows?!?  Stay tuned for the adventures of C Bandit and "the infant"

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