So the time is drawing closer. I'm about to embark on another attempt at getting my Master's degree... This aint no joke folks; I'm for the reals gonna do it. Now, whether I finish or not is as yet to be determined.
It seems as though grad school aint all bananas and dancing as one would be led to believe. [Quote is Trademarked and property of Boomerang Bandits. It is not to be used by any persons not affiliated with the Boomerang Bandits Brand.]
If you're thinking about continuing your education, be S-M-R-T about it and consider your options. Learn from my mistakes...
If you're burnt out from 4 (or 5) years of undergraduate...probably isn't a great idea to dive right into another 1 - 3 more years of school (depending on the intensity of your degree/program). It'll drain your already dead battery beyond repair.
Do your research good and hard before considering what school you want. Spare no expense! You could end up in Clown University where you're taught by baboons and you're surrounded by
No Talent Ass Clowns. Witness the drawing below which I actually drew IN class WHILST surrounded by clowns as Professor Bananas attempted to explain various species of wood -- quite enthusiastically, I might add.

Any way you slice it, it's going to cost a fortune to become a "master" in your field. Either find a company willing to foot the bill with you OR find the most expensive program you can find and take out the max student loans as possible. SIMPLE LOGIC! If you're going to go, might as well go for the best right?!? right? Ok so maybe it's faulty logic... When you're thinking about paying for school, paying for everything else never really enters your mind. All you're concerned about is the Tuition. But here comes Mr. Other Expenses waiting just around the corner ready to kick you square in the taco just as soon as you, yourself, have rounded said corner. Oh Mr. M.O.E... I do hate you so.
Be for DAMN sure it is something you want to do before you go. Because at the end of the day, when you're 46 years old and you've paid off only 40% of your student loans, if you're not doing what you've set out to've just bought a house without actually buying a house. I guess if this is the case, I'm the proud owner of a modest-sized fixer-upper and I'm lookin' to upgrade.
There's a wee bit of positive in all of this though. You not only walk away with a paper declaring your Mastery, you walk away with the shear satisfaction that you've completed (in my case) 23 YEARS of schooling. All the projects, all the papers, all the sleepless nights, gallons upon gallons of soda and truck loads of Little Debbie snack cakes which you have convinced yourself is an honest meal - they have all lead to one moment of achievement. You can take that tassle, show it who's boss and bring it on over to the other side with pride. This is all good and well until you realize your loan statements are stalking you - ready to pounce once you think you're in the clear. Not to worry though, I just read the Rules/Guidelines of mine and found out the following:
"Any debt not paid off after 25 years is forgiven"
Hells yeah! You know what my first purchase will be if my student loans are forgiven? A freakin' yacht! A 50-ft, 3-story, gold-plated, diamond-encrusted yacht!
Of course, everyone's in a different situation - I can only speak from my experiences and what I have recently convinced myself as the only way to do it. Aint no turnin' back. I've made several deposits and several visits. I even made it official and listed it on FaceHook...once it's on FH, it's for real.
I'm hoping I'll come up with great material in the years to come and I'll have this blog to share/vent. My first round of grad school wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. If we're speaking in Mortal Kombat fighting terms, as I'm pretty sure we have been, it was a K.O - Mortal Fatality. It was a dazed-out spinning with birdies flying around my head, teeth on the floor, haven't even made a swing, KNOCK OUT.
AMAZING graphics! I know!
I've always been good at repressing my memories and my brain, as backed up as it can get, is in the process of repressing round 1. It was an all-around horrible experience for me. Bad timing. Bad Professors. Bad Location. Bad weather. Bad company (with the exception of a few). Bad Financial Aid Advisor. Bad program. Baaaaad Baaaaad Baaaad 1st Semester Bill. Just...bad.
On that note, stay tuned for my adventures! I'm sure there will be plenty to bitch about.