So here's a post that I never really's more of an unfinished thought than a complete post...I'm trying to make up for the lack of posts so I'm gonna give you every incomplete thought I can incompletely think of.
Pet Nicknames
Names that you give your partner/spouse/significant other. Where do I start with this...I just don't like them. To clarify, I don't mind the actual act of giving them a nickname, I mind it when it is used publicly, for the world to hear - whether we want to or not. Posting things about your "schmoopy woopy" on FaceHook as a "personal message" do I put this lightly...repulsive? Like many of my other pet peeves, I'm not exactly sure why I dislike it, the simple fact is that I do. I've compiled a list of nicknames and rated them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being the least annoying and therefore, ok to use and 10 being the most nauseating nickname ever. If you should find yourself using these nicknames within earshot of another human being, better think twice and consider the company and take note if someone gags &/or throws up in their mouth (or on your shoe) - it might be me.
hun - 1 it's a normal nickname. It kind of comes out involuntarily.
hunny - 2 again, normal.
babe - 5 is appropriate in some occasions.
sugar - 6 how sweet.
buttercup - 7 no thanks.
boo - 7 pretty irritating.
baby - 8 not in public.
baby doll - 8 not so cute.
hunny bunny - 8 sick. If you call me this, I might have to kick you.
munchkin - 8 only cute for kids.
cupcake - 8 again, only cute for kids.
baby cakes - 9 doesn't make any sense!
snookums - 9 gross.
sugar lips - 9 yuck.
pooh bear - 9 how do you say that without vomiting?
poopsy - 9 that's not even cute for a kid.
bubba - 10 not until recently did this nickname enter my radar and I gotta's not cute unless it's in the privacy of your own home. And even then, it's iffy. Although, for kids, it's fine.
schmoopy - 10 why?
schmoopy woopy - 12 no.
I know this couple and they use one of the nicknames a lot. I'm sure you can guess which one it is. It's pretty deeee-sgusting. They're the kind of couple that likes to flaunt their relationship. I'm not sure if it's to mask the fact that their relationship is far less than perfect (I've heard things). I guess that's fine - they're in love, we get it. I really just kind of wish I never noticed their PDA because it probably wouldn't bug me as much if I didn't bring it to my own attention but I don't have a time machine.
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