As an H. R. Director I get a lot resumes, scratch that, a ton of resumes. So many resumes I don't have time to read them all. They come from e-mails, faxes, and snail mail. There are some gems in the bunch, some standout more than others for various reasons.
The example below is what was attached to a resume submitted to me for god knows what job opening. The applicant thought it was a good idea to submit an example of her collaging skills. Notice their keen cutting skills as well as attention to the pug's clothing that matches the backgorund. Granted I did get an enormous laugh out of it, however, I will never hire them because they appear emotionally unstable.

Another resume sent via e-mail to me was in essence a long rambling sentence with no punctuation informing me, in ebonics, that the applicant thinks she could help "all those people at the hospital". I'm unsure what hospital she meant. I am not hiring for any sort of hospital.
One cover letter was closed with, "Thank you for yur time, It's Never Too Late To Lose Weight". Which I thought was quite motivational but somewhat absent minded when composing a resume cover letter.
All in all, I recieve many creative resumes, some I want to schedule an interview just to meet these crazy people.
Thank you for your consideration,
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